er failures affected some 250000 Saturday, March TJ p- Abolishmeni trowiey uany aignai, nowicr, families. Crawfish Bisque From Pace One) Knoae lsiaDU i. iX Ol i'lCillUUlOl Services Slated care not to scorch (takes in aCtual practice. There are Ppwer were tne i using 25 pound large live crawfish 1 large loaf bread, toasted or 2Vi cups bread crumb cup butter dozen eggs 1 medium bell pepper chopped Vt cup onion tops, chopped Camp Fire Girls To Observe Birthday CROWLEY, La. Regular ier- vices will be conducted at the First Methodist Church in Crowley Sunday, according to Louis Hoff- many who will say that we nurrKdnt haven't given them a fair oppor state officials said the ected tunitv to work to restore most services to- But my answer to that," height.
High tides and heav MM added, "is that the state of Lou added to the state storm head-isiana is geared economically and aches. pohucalh to this familiar pat- In Connecticut as much as lb tern anv time the Legislature laches of snow piled up in he cciAn mhcnriu although this region about 30 minutes j. Add Onions, celery, bell pepper, garlic, a 1 1 chopped, to roux and cook until wilted. Add 31 quarts of water and crawfish tails, bring to a boil, lower heat and cook 20 minutes, partly mashing tails with spoon while cooking. Add salt and pepper to taste, parsley and onion tops, stir in well.
pauir, pastor. Services are scheduled for 10 55 tuP prsley, chopped TmtfflJA a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School cups chopped onions sponsors and council members are will begin at 9:40 a.m. and Metho- CMC ry 1 large garlic pod SrJS More yeers eungn at it will' spend every dollar it can was spared the brunt of the torm Gov.
Long's final wishes obvi only a few power intemip are needed each day to help Camp; alc1 tK, 1' cups flour 14 cups sa'ad oil salt and pepper to 11 play an important part; 'ions were reponea. ZxL- I The snow was due to taper of! four a to cups or me oiscjuc iOUSiy (sauce you have just made) anv Fire provide its prograir if or 3 RevHoff- taste CROWLEY, La. Campfire girls of all ages are celebrating their 48th birthday the week rf March 23. according to Jack Hobgood, president of the Crowley Council. Founded in 1910, by Dr.
and Mrs. fcuther Hahey Gulick and other fading educators. Camp Fire to-lay includes 480,000 members in 1,000 communities throughout the kountrv. During the past" 48 years bread crumbs, butter and eggs, us priclturp inp In the over northern New England today. g.uwu'B uumutrx ui Kxi i pauir conducts a cnurcn memher- Clean crawfish by placing them ing half of the crawfish tails in rav i pppuiatnrp ln mav He- and light flurries were predictor class for the children who to join the church on Paim Camp Fire serves three age live in cold salted water, (use 1 this.
Mix well, taste, and seasoi jcjde to let the matter rest for the for the southern sections. box salt) for 30 minutes. Drop live with salt and pepper again to taste mAmpnt hpcansp of nrpssure of The Virginia Maryland Dela Sunday. The church calendar 1 uiuc I'll 1 members, enjoy games, group ac 1 for the into boiiing water, remove after 5 if needed. Stuff the bodies with other issues.
jware area, first to be smacked by uvuws, m.u Chun nnmiits. urea tails oft. remove mis mixture, arrange in i pan. Thp first Heral Legislature Church minutes, urea tails oft. remove mis mixture, arrange in pan.
fjrst fisca Legislature in the storm alter it niovea in irum wetk shows a Vacation shows a Vacation nore than 4.000.000 girls have UJl ioiwu is i f. shells and de-vein pia- 'ails in POur renuanins sauce ovei bodies the Carolina coast, was hared its program which emph. and age. Camp Fire Girls, 10 to tv. cool dace while cleaning larppst SDrinkle with chooDeri and aattina hart to normal 7 at the ref bodies about 150, by removing nion tops.
Bake 400 degree oven1 gyab and appropriated. Washington. D.C., and Balti- tho Rav Clont Tmnn I church at 1 Dm ah membranes (a small brush mav for 20 minutes. Remove bodies, ar- home and family ate. 15 years old.
give emnusaasnc ex- The Crowley Camp Fire Council pression to their individual inter-ras chartered on Oct. 6. 1957 un- ests and talents, based on a prosier the leadership of 20 council! gram including seven crafts. Hori-enembers. It now has 220 register- zon Club members, who are 15 to fad members and is striving to en-ii8 years old or in senior high I Wednesday has been designated be usea to remove any matter on large platter for servin las Family Night beginning at (clinging to bodies).
This amount of May be garnished with parsley ,6 30 p.m. crawfish should yield a little over sprigs and the largest claws fro- 3 pounds of tails, cleaned. the crawfish which may be cook- The first fiscal meeting under noin staggereo oj ai Long in 1957, while held in tight 20 inches of snowfall, reported nevertheless dipped into millions downtown street cleared and of dollars of surplus funds to help minor amounts left in the sub-balance the budget. urbs. In the Baltimore area, elec-Now the administration is warn- had been restored to of a deficit next year unless 1000 customers, but thousands of new revenues can be found.
homes still lacked power and tele-Even administration spokesmen phone service. eroll at least 500 in the future, school, take a further step in pre Tr 11 activt groups Blue narinj? for their future roles and First Christian is wirds. tamp rire, and Horizon homt makers, career women cleaned bodies aside and make a'ed with the bisque to lend adde roux with 1U cups oil and 1A cups flavor and color. Pour bisque into flour, combining these ingredients tureen and serve hot in deep platt in a large thick pot, stirring con- with fluffy white rice 2nd stuffed stantly until a warm deep brown, bodies. Delicious! later remarked if the 1957 fiscal! At the height of the storm ml ion haH novor hn htM mil.
Lone Island 150.000 homes were Club members Crowley at pre- responsible citizens through a well- p. ent. Hobgood stated. Camp Fire rounded program of service, voca- oerVlCeS blVeil rovides a well-balanced program tional and social events. fun.
creative expression, and i On Sunday, March 23. the Camp CROWLEY. La. The eongre-ocial development for girls 7 to 18 Fire Girls will start celebrating gation of the First Christian fears of age. their birthday by attending the Church of Crowlev will meet Sun- Such a program requires un -church of their choice in groups dav in the small auditorium of eunted hours of voluntary prepar and in full uniform.
Later in the th North Crowley Elementarv tion. guidance and help from week, a local children store will School located on 10th St and Ave adults, the president pointed out. a display window of models p. Women who serve as leaders, and the different camp fire, Sunday school will be at 9 30 Democrats- Southern Bell (Continued From Page One) lions of dollars could have been without electricity. By early today saved because state agencies the figure had been cut to 16.500.
would have had to get by at the, Over 13 inches of snow fell in same spending level originaliv au- some sections, thorized in the 1956 regular ses- New York City got off compara kiflss Trip 10S7 fiscal session ot- tivelv easv. with only 6 6 inches sional elections. Democrats re- Dnin Uitvinn plied that the bill is Maded in tht rldlc IlcdriilQ fight against the recession. fered golden ODDortunitv for state of snowfall. Westchester County But some Democrats told a Vnf WcHnccHU agencies to boost their budget had 20 inches.
The Hudson River Set Wednesday nen r.o wnm unuorms. snowing me nonor neans a.m morninp worshin at fn-JR newsman they believe the dairy kJUX ft cyjlCOUU That is the heart of Earl Long's jvaUey had 13 inches. irv price support issue mh provine arcuments against fisca sessions fjsst ihe necessary edge to re-elect T. I'nrlpr Um annrnval th iqm Commission To and Camp Fire insignia. Center- evening worship at 7 ing the window will be a large I birthday cake with 48 bright cand- This window will not only re- D.AAl,4n; mind that Camp Fire Birthday is neSDyierian 0011110 uemocraiic e.
i-roxmire in wis-, -nement of all factions voted THE SIGNAL WANT ADS consm. Ifiey also" nope tlial issue rmisn lesnmony fo oust anv mnr Finish Testimony iwill help unseat Republican Ser Pvnrt Rut thp' pnnctitiitTonal ampnrl. Of Utilities Expert foui mom! being celebrated all over On 11 ates but that a concen'rated nally oei oUnuaV effort is being made in Crowley rnye ot ana rotter oi ment passed in the Legislature (Michigan. BATON ROUGE JH Southern ran into a public roadblock at the i oner, won voieu asamsi me R. onM.
noils. bill to freeze. i At a time when the adminis to give girls a well-developed pro-i CROWLEY. La. The i gjSenate s' original gram of planned activity along ed-' Rally of the Men of the Church! farm Driee udi price Public Service Com supports indei initeiy vu.i.
kk ucational religious and social lines, of Louisiana Presbytery will beUwitched to suDDort the revised mission again Wednesdav, seeking I as WT. Va, A I 43 A I XII a TTW" amn ire arp nlann- held on Snnflav lari ot version wnicn nmneu me an immertite seven million dol- the people voted 214 861 "Im an immenne seven minion noi -the people voted 214.861 i.C:. against to one year, was mr iar WELCOME North Parkerson Church of Christ 1 5rh St ft Brkfrin 3tiay Bible Stuhr 100 AJ Worship 10:45 a.m. Evening Servic 7:00 p.m. Thursday Service 7:00 P.M.
or further Information CALt 561 The money from this candy ale ein at 2 m. and will conclude White House earnings with a view to further pt will be used to buy necessary with supper. There will be no even Thve voted for both bills, as did increasese later. equipment and if adequate funds ing service at the Crowley church Proxmire. Theo Cangelosi.
commUsion All TnA are secured, to he building on Sunday as the minister. Carl C. 1 Thve and Potter could cite their counsei said bulk this near 0 JJeaO a cabin near Crowley where the Phillips, will attend the i 2 of thp freeye measure. COUnSe.V lDe ftear spend the night and en- Rally with other men of the local but Democrats believe the be devoted to two to three normal vprru. ii.
armerS WOUIU nailie ine neOUU- 1.1 ij uillllll.VMUII'nJ,,. ofr I nf un IT un to box of candy sold helps in inher The Sunday morning worship ncan administration for service will begin at 11 a.m. Mr. dine that may occur Arnold Hirsch of inches, but mnv minor C. Southern Bell were still choked with snow.
any ne- rate consultant in their Washington, D. roads Pow ing these plans for the girls has sought to block Hirsch's testi rmuips nas announcea as ner ser- prices, and vote Democratic mon topic, "The Sacraments of the November. Sunday School The Democrats now hold a 49 47 mony. The rate case began last De Saturday, March 22nd KLFY-TV-Channel 10 6:00 WRESTLING DEBUT) An hour and a half of "live" studio wrestling begins tonight. The series will feature such world famous wrestlers as George Baby Blimp" Harris, and Canadian Evon Roberr.
7:30 Dick and ihe duch*ess Mystery 8:00 Oh! Susanna Comedy 8:30 Martin Kane Mystery 9:00 Gunsmoke Western 9:30 Captain David Grief Adventure 10:00 Nitecap News 10:05 Movie (Drama) "PRIDE OF THE NAVY" Sunday, March 23rd Christophers, Religion 1:30 Movie (Drama) Sunday Matinee 3:00 This Is The Answer, Religion 3 30 Gospel Truth, Religion 3:45 Film Feature 4:00 Mighty Mouse Cartoons 4:30 Extravaganza "Drums Along Th Mohawk" starring Claudette Colbert and Henry Fonda 6:30 JACK BENNY Comedy) 7:00 The Ed Sullivan Show begin at 9 45 a.m. The Youth Fel-: majoritv in the Senate. In lowship will meet at 5:30 p.m. for House thc-v outnumber the the cember with the company pre Re- senting its case. Last month.
Can Wesley Sermon Topics Named gelosis cross examined company witnesses. supper and vesper program. Mrs. 233 198, with 4 vaean-C. C.
Lyons. Jr will be supper1 cies. it a Til hostess. I The extent to which Benson ft Cangelosi said the commission There will be a meeting of the policies are in disfavor with finish cross examination CROWLEY. La.
At the 10:50 norning worship service the Rev. Committee of Christian Education western GOP senators was shown 'Wednesday, then Hirsch would Raymond E. Pierson will deliver testifv. the sermon entitled: "Courage To P-m. in the 13 Republican votes wnicn Rp rhristian" anrt ut thp 7 (-lwir practice will be held at 5:30 helped win final passage of the p.m.
on wednesdav and a freeze bill. Thirty-five Democrats also voted for the bill. at 7 p.m. The Juniors Join MR. TOPPER'S HONEYMOON -On- MARCH 25th CROWLEY HIGH GYM 7:30 P.M.
Admission 25c and 50c each meet at me cnurcn at 4 p.m. Fridav. Hirsch. a utilities expert, was a commission witness in the 1956 case when Southern Bell was ordered to reduce long distance rates in Louisiana by 20 per cent and cut pay station calls from a dime to a nickel. The company filed suit to pre vent the commission from hiring evening evangelistic service Rev.
Pierson will deliver the sermon entitled: "Christ's Mission Through The Church." Catechism classes will begin at 8: 45 a.m. and the M.Y.F. will meet at 5:30 p.m. There will be a revival starting Monday. Mar.
24 at 7 p.m. through Youth On Trial In New Relief For Cily Slaying Hirsch, charging his contract was! illegal and his $100 a day fee was t- t- a X'XTT I XT Tli eanonrl Minna nignt. witn tne i a lie Rev. Fred Flurry as Evangelist. AnKle ODrain All mpmhprs and fripnH in-I te law rniu-ui, unreasonable.
Under sta Iday of testimony opened here to-. withe utility must pay vitpr? rn 3ttpnH rHicir.n a commission (B Housa Point with um-Rsistont Pigments and VitoliiecJ Oil9 I "'''gffiB Bji dav the trial of Q3 ill lilC II let 1 KJL tv I v- n-M v1 -a i-k fill SdJU AU" tCdl 'VI VI I 1 4 The Program for the week at today high frequency sound waves! Frank Palmer Jr. He is charged "le. cases WpsIpv is a fnlln-c Unnrlav oivt ilmt imt. ta UlSt.
Judge Coleman I tftltftf 1 lut Mfc. i ii i tnrougn Jundav. Hevival 7 p.m pain caused by ankle sDrain or slaving of Morgan Citv ool ccmn 5" Book Study of strain. nuhle Robicheaux. Monday.
W.S.C. Mark at 1:30 p. Tuesday, Pray- Dr. Vern S. Hall of Waukeganl Robicheaux was struck in 7 am trv 19 tha tiA-nc, rkir 1..
i V- n. ua idKl IIIC III III I fLAJI leu er tune from paid Wednesday. Prayer meeting I II'' pitched far sat in front of the police radio set. The shot was fired through a win Southern Bell has apparently dropped efforts to block his testimony. Hirsch's second bill for S2.
700 was approved by the commission and court sources said the above human heanng give the injured tissue a "micromassage." This, he said, stimulates blood flow and cell activity. dow. The coroner attributed death to shock resulting from the shooting. Police Chief Aubrey Deslatte of Morgan Cursing Home at p.m. There will be a vacation Church School Workshop Mar.
25 at Asbury Church. Lafayette. All workers are urged to attend this meeting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Maxie Sunday morning worship av morning worship FREES SUPPLY company let the 10-day REVIVAL WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH Elm St.
and Ave. I March 24th to 30th, 7 P.M. Rev. Fred Flurry, Evangelist The Public Is Cordiallv Invited WHOLESALE RETAIL church school 9 Disputes Llaim praver service 8 a.m.. Morgan City testified yesterday i Palmer told him he shot the police-man because of alleged mistreatment of Palmer's mother in the city jail.
Mrs. Palmer had been booked on a drunk charge. a ITiiirsrlav Mirl-wpi nra iv. Mid-week meeting and Bible study 7 p.m fn Wnmpn PI arp pass without contesting it. At the Wednesday meeting, the commission will probably consider the consultant's third bill for $3,900.
In a statewide advertising campaign, Southern Bell pleaded it must have higher revenues for needed expansion. I A A IViL Mowala Church Slales Mission Auto parts and accessories for popular make cars Acetylene and Electrical Welding. Garage and Machine Shop 3401 P.O. Box 30 Merit, La. OKLAHOMA CITY i The president of the United Church Women claims woman's place la Ciiynliic not necessarily in the home.
0 III pill 5 "There isn't enough to do in (Continued From Paee One) MOWATA. La. Rev. Father modern home to keep any intelli-'quested to pick them up on the Carmelous Kronlaee. C.
will eru woman nusy. said Mrs. third day of the March distribution Theodore Wedel. of Washington. March 26.
conduct a Mission in English, in PHONE 2010 the St. Lawrence Catholic Church woman who con- Participants in the third ward I in Mowata. from March 23, to stantly busy with housekeeping is are especially requested to follow AINIft TRAIL DRIVE IN NOW SHOWING BRIAN DONLEVY in "ESCAPE FROM RED ROCK" THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY," With EDMUND GWENN STARTING SUNDAY just poorly organized." above schedule in order to faci- MtTSkUtftH and wenei is nere lor Uie state Mate the distribution of cmtimo- March 30. The Mission will open this coming Sunday at 7 p.m. Sermons will be given everv night and every organization annual assembly.
Idities. I morning after 6 o'clock Mass. Father Kronlage is a native of New Orleans. Saturday. March 77.
195 JOANNE WOODWARD SHOW TIME DUSK Nominated os Be Actress tve Year I ft Sor oi "Tha Long, Hot Sonme PHONE PHONE ftTrrrr WHilonr. Fouikner. producer ot Peyton Ptt" "The Long Hot Summer STARTS SUNDAY FOR 3 DAYS LAST TIMES TODAY GUUK We doubt that any happy reminiscences wiil be aroused our subject today which is JAILS of Acadia Parish. No. 1 wasj small one story brick building BE 8:00 G.
E. Theatre 1 FILMED IN LOUISIANA iIHk taemg south at the E. Corner Court Circle where the license fcureau is now located. We believe it was build in 1887, 4n the days when cement mortar was not available and bricks were laid in mortar made of lime and sand which could be easily dug out with any kind of knife or pointed Instrument. We make no apology for our unromantic topic for as long as human nature remains what it is the law abiding citizens of the community deserve protection from those who do not hesitate to follow their evil habits and impulses.
This little building was so inadequate that any energetic prisoner would BHlliHHaW I Cegl DeMille's siAp? s.AP Starring Joan Crawford in "STRANGE WITNESS' tot remain in it very long. Jail No. 2 was much larger andl tronger. It was a two story brick building that stood west of the Court House on ground now oc-upied bv the agricultural budd-l The Ten Commandments i OWhTOa Jt wt HL5T0N BRYNNER BAXTLR COWARD YVCNMC R0BI N50ND CARLO r. I il iiL.tL-i i umhi 3 faulkner could come thi searing look ot LOVE TODAY'S Deep Soi X.
Am 8:30 Alfred Hitchco*ck 9:00 Harbor Command 9:30 Official Detective 10:00 News, Weather 10:05 Silent Service 10:35 All Star Theatre ing. Jail No. 3 is still in use and is located on the 2nd floor of the building just north of the Court House, the first floor having been used by the Police Jury until the completion of our present Court House which is No. 3, and which provided them with their present elegant quarters in the Court House. There may have been other Fansii jails but we do not remember them.
ProttionaHy Yours WILLIAMS Insurance Agency INCORPORATED Since 1909-Phone 1909 TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY MATINEE Bex Office Opens 1:00 Show Starts 1:30 EVENINGS Box Office Opens 7:00 Show Starts 7:30 All Pass List Suspended This Attraction I i ivisi ors4 Paul Newman joanni STIIXyourbestbcT FRANCiOSA J'MM'E i KEITH ANDES MAGGIE HAYES GENE EVANS LYNN BARI-JEFFREY STONE ANN ROBINSON Oncttd tj ROBERT GORDON mum STIRLING SILLIPHANT ty HERMAN WEBBfR A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE TsXmM Orson Welles Lee RhMiCK Angela Lansbury 1 Coming Soon "DAMN CITIZEN" II i MM Ml.