Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (2024)

by Lindsay 51 Comments

Hi Friends!

**First of all, I just want to say thank you SO MUCH for all your kind words on yesterday’s post. I got so many comments from old readers, new readers and everyone in between. The amount of support I received was incredible and I spent all day yesterday just thinking about how amazing the blogging community really is. So THANK YOU!! It means the world to me.

Also, big thanks to my hubby for these BEAUTIFUL flowers he got me 🙂 I love him.

So, on to today’s post. I kinda dropped the ball on this one since Janetha informed everyone on Twitter that YESTERDAY was actually national pb & j day. But, as you know, I had some other exciting things going on, so we’re just gonna go ahead and extend our little pb & j celebration to today.

Recently I was sent some samples from a pretty amazing company called Attune Foods.If you’ve never heard of them, you should definitely head over and take a look at their website. They make some pretty awesome cereals, bars and crackers and they also have several gluten-free products. I was able to pick out three of their products to try. Here’s what I picked:

First up:

What I love best about all of Attune’s products are how simple the ingredient lists are. I can pronounce all of the ingredients and the lists are short and sweet. I tried eating these plain as I would a regular bowl of cereal…but as you know, I eat the same two cereals every single morning and it’s pretty hard to change my ways. So, since these flakes were actually a lot smaller than I expected…more like granola or oats, I have big plans to use this cereal to make some healthy no-bake granola bars!!! The flavor was delicious.

Second pick:

I swoon over these. I’m a HUGE graham cracker fan and these are absolutely fantastic. I’ve eaten them plain, made s’mores with them and dipped them in yogurt. They were delicious on each occasion. But I must say my favorite way to enjoy these was by making a big batch of my Almond Graham Banana Bites. These are one of my favorite treats and the grahams were perfect for it. This time I left out the almonds so it was all graham, baby 🙂

Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and recommend you make these immediately. YUMMM. Wanna kick it up a notch? Mix some pb in with that chocolate and then cover more of banana with it- don’t be lazy like me and just do the tops.

Third choice:

I got SO excited when I saw this one. I’m a HUGE advocate of watching your salt intake and I spend a lot of time looking at the salt content of packaged food. So when I saw these, I immediately knew I had to try them! I mean check out the ingredients. Doesn’t get any simpler than that folks!

I wanted to come up with a fun way to use these so I did some experimenting and I’m super happy with the result! When I think of crispy rice I automatically think of rice krispy treats. I used to eat them ALL the time when I was little and they were one of my favorite things to make. This time I decided to try to recreate them and make them a bit healthier. So I didn’t use marshmallows! GASP! I know!! I wasn’t sure how they would work out, but I was willing to take a chance.

I added some pb and vanilla for flavor and some brown rice syrup to help them stick together and sweeten them up a little bit. 4 ingredients. That’s it!

And what goes better with pb than j?! But in this case, I made my own healthy chia seed jam! It’s so easy. Only takes 2 ingredients. Frozen berries…and chia seeds. Plus sweetener if you want, but I think it’s sweet enough from the fruit. I’ve made chia jam with blackberries (my fav), raspberries and strawberries. This time strawberries were all I had on hand. I’ve found it works better with smaller berries, but I made it work with whole frozen berries. All you have to do is combine the berries and chia seeds in a bowl, microwave for 2 minutes or so, smash the berries with a fork and refrigerate to let set.

I put the jam in a small container to set and let the crispy bites set in their muffin tins. A couple hours later I came back for a taste test. The verdict? Amazing. A fun new snack for me to enjoy 🙂

Want the recipe?!

PB & J Bites

by Lindsay L

Prep Time: 5 min

Keywords: stovetop appetizer breakfast snack healthy low-sodium vegetarian chia seeds peanut butter strawberry

Ingredients (approx 40 bites)

For the bites

  • 2/3 c peanut butter
  • 1/2 c brown rice syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 4 c Erewhon Crispy Brown Rice cereal

For the jam

  • 1 c frozen berries
  • 2 Tbsp chia seeds


For the Bites

In a medium saucepan, melt the peanut butter and brown rice syrup.
Add the vanilla and stir until well-combined.
Add the crispy rice and mix well
Press by spoonful into greased mini muffin tins and let set until cooled.
Remove from muffin tins and store in an airtight container.
Just before serving, top with chia jam!

**Note: You could also press the mixture into a large pan and cut into squares later.

For the Jam

Combine the frozen berries and chia seeds in a bowl.
Microwave on high for 2 and a half minutes.
Use a fork to smash the berries and mix well.
Transfer to an airtight container and place in the refrigerator to set for at least 30 min.

**Note: You can store this in the fridge for up to one week.

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There you go 🙂


**I received these samples for free from Attune Foods. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (13)


Get my free Table Talk email series where I share bite-sized nutrition information about carbs, protein, and fat, plus bonus information about snacks and sugar!

Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (14)

About Lindsay

Lindsay Livingston is a Registered Dietitian and new mom from Columbus, Ohio. On her blog, she shares simple, healthy recipes, nutrition tips, workouts and snapshots of her life. Follow her on Twitter @LeanGrnBeanBlog and Instagram @TheLeanGreenBean and be sure to subscribe via RSS or email so you never miss a post!

Reader Interactions


  1. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (15)janetha says

    it’s still national PBJ day for another 1.5 hours! weeee!


  2. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (17)Miz says

    uh WOW?


  3. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (19)Kristen @ notsodomesticated says

    I LOVE this idea! I had no idea how easy it could be to make fresh jam! Amazing!


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (20)Lindsay says

      it’s crazy how easy it is…definitely give it a try!


  4. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (21)chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says

    oo those look delicious! Why do I never know when national food days are? Where can I find this information!?


  5. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (22)Tina @ Best Body Fitness says

    LOVE Attune and these PBJ bites look really, really yummy!

    We never go without the New Morning grahams in this house. Now I need to make those banana bites with them!


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (23)Lindsay says

      yes! make them for sure. kiddos will love them. especially B i think 🙂


  6. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (24)Heather (Where's the Beach) says

    Gorgeous flowers and yummy recipe. I’ve never tried Attune but keep hearing such great things about it.


  7. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (25)Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says

    First off, congratulations Lindsay! I’m so happy for you! Second, those flowers are amazing. Third, those peanut butter and jelly bites are perfect! I LOVE the chia jam and I can’t stop eating it! I don’t even buy jams anymore.


  8. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (26)Healthiful Balance says

    You’re a genius! Those PB&J bites look so delicious!! 🙂


  9. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (27)Jess says

    Oh MAN do these little bites look delish! I might be even more excited about the homemade chia jam — what a genius idea for chia! Plus, making your own jam must taste way way way better than store bought!! Yum! Totally pinned this for use later 🙂


  10. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (29)Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says

    I’ve been eyeing that Erewhon for a while now. I’ll have to check it out! I watch my sodium as well. I can always tell a difference if I’ve had to much – my fingers get so swollen the next morning.


  11. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (30)Danielle says

    Wow those things look amazing! I’ll have to try them!


  12. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (31)Caitlin says

    Those bites look pretty awesome! I would love to make them with blueberry on top, maybe mashed fresh blueberries. YUM!
    I also love Attune products. The Uncle Sam cereal is awesome. However I haven’t been able to try the other two you mentioned. Hopefully someday!


  13. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (32)Andrea @ Vegvacious says

    Yummeeeee!!! You seriously make the best treats – I have lots of frozen blueberries to use up and my grandma gave us a bunch of homemade jams for Christmas, so I can see lots of variations of these being made 🙂


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (33)Lindsay says

      perfect!!! enjoy 🙂


  14. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (35)Ericka @ The Sweet Life says

    I love anything PB & J so I am sucker for these little dudes! I will have to make this weekend *(when I’m a little more lax on the protein diet craze!)


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (36)Lindsay says

      they’d be the perfect treat!


  15. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (37)Yellow Haired Girl says

    YUM! I have no other words by that.

    Seriously – YUM!


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (38)Lindsay says

      haha! that’s what i said when i took my first bite 🙂


  16. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (39)jobo says

    those look awesome!!! MUST MAKE!!!!!!!!!


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (40)Lindsay says

      yay!!!! enjoy 🙂


  17. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (41)Stefanie @TheNewHealthy says

    These look delicious! And they look easy – which is my all-time favorite adjective for snacks. 😉


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (42)Lindsay says

      agreed. easy is a requirement 🙂


  18. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (44)Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola says

    Ohh all of those Attune items sound delicious- especially the first cereal!! And I love the idea of creating a mock rice krispie treat with out marshmallows- these look great and like the perfect snack item! Can’t wait to give them a try!


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (45)Lindsay says

      let me know what you think if you try them 🙂


  19. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (46)Miriam @ Bellaspire says

    I’m going to try these with almond butter. I guess that would be AB and J!!


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (47)Lindsay says

      i almost used almond butter! next time for sure


  20. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (48)Samantha says

    yumyumYUM!!!! Every day is a reason to celebrate PB&J in my book! These look great Linds, and I had NO IDEA chia jam was that easy. I think I”ll make some tonight.


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (49)Lindsay says

      yessss make some for sure!!! SO.EASY.


  21. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (50)Kammie @ Sensual Appeal says

    Oh my gosh, thank you so much for linking the website! They have so many great products, I am gonna get the graham crackers and the brown rice cereal for sure. I’ve been looking for a healthier graham cracker for a while now! Yay thanks!! And I’m definitely gonna try these pb&j bites, they look delishh


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (51)Lindsay says

      awesome!!!! let me know what you think of the grahams. i love them!


  22. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (52)Angela @ Happy Fit Mama says

    We love the Crispy Brown Rice Cereal in our house. I use it in everything from cookies to as a nice crunchy coating on fish. Great company and product!

    Consider yourself Pinned! 🙂


  23. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (53)Charlotte says

    girl! your blog always makes me drool. how are you so tiny? hahaha. 😉


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (54)Lindsay says

      haha i give all my treats away 🙂


  24. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (55)Lisa says

    Oh wow, these are absolutely adorable! I haven’t had a rice crispy treat in yearssss! I kind of forget what they taste like now


  25. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (56)Talia @ Bite Size Wellness says

    Okay those look amazing and I am obsessing over the chia seed jam. Must happen! Lucky for me I have all the ingredients on hand including the amazing Attune cereal!


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (57)Lindsay says

      yay!!! make the jam, you’ll love it!


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (59)Lindsay says

      yes!!! look for it for sure. i was so pumped!


  26. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (60)MCM Mama says

    I love the Attune cereals. I made some rockin’ rice crispy treats with homemade marshmallows (since PB is not an option for my older son). Good stuff!


  27. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (61)Diana @ VeggieNextDoor says

    I confess, I’m a little bit jealous 🙂 I’ve been wanting to try the flavored Uncle Sam Cereals for MONTHS but all my local Whole Foods Markets carry are the plain flavor (which is great, of course, but it left me curious to try the others!). Honey Almond sounds delicious and I also hear the Strawberry Flavor is pretty incredible!


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (62)Lindsay says

      you should order some online!


  28. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (63)Nicole says

    Loving the jam idea! It’ll be perfect for the lbs of blueberries I’ll buy this summer!
    Congrats on your internship and hope you’re feeling better!


  29. Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (64)Megan @ Weddings and Workouts says

    Hello! What an awesome blog, I can’t believe I haven’t found you sooner 🙂

    These look just devine.


    • Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (65)Lindsay says

      Thank you so much!! And so glad you found me 🙂


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Crispy PB & J Bites Recipe| Healthy Snacks (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.