5 Best Lactation Cookie Recipes for Boosting Milk Production (2024)

For breastfeeding and chestfeeding parents hoping to boost their milk supply, the answer may be as simple as grabbing a cookie. Lactation cookies are packed with ingredients that are believed to increase breast milk production—not to mention the fact that munching on a cookie may help reduce stress, a potential killer of breast milk supply. Considering that, it's no surprise that so many breastfeeding and chestfeeding parents find themselves on the hunt for the best lactation cookie recipes.

So, what makes lactation cookies special? They look and taste a lot like normal cookies. But there is a significant difference between lactation cookies and regular ol' cookies—and that difference is galactagogues. Read on to discover our favorite lactation cookie recipes and to learn more about lactation cookies, including the ingredients that make them special.

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The Galactagogues in Lactation Cookies

According to lactation consultant Andrea Tran of Breastfeeding Confidential, galactagogues are substances that are believed to increase milk production. They may come in the form of prescription medications or herbs, such as alfalfa, ginger, fennel, and blessed thistle.

And then there are some galactagogues that conveniently lend themselves to delicious cookie recipes: namely oats, flaxseed, and brewer's yeast. Most lactation cookie recipes are built around these ingredients, while some also include other galactagogues like fenugreek and barley.

Top Lactation Cookie Ingredients

Here's what these galactagogue cookie ingredients may bring to the breastfeeding table:

  • Oats, specifically old-fashioned rolled oats, are an excellent source of iron. And low iron may be bad news for breast milk supply.
  • Brewer's yeast, not to be confused with baker's yeast, is packed with iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B—all of which can help increase milk supply.
  • Flaxseedcontains phytoestrogens as well as omega-3 fatty acids that are great for babies and nursing parents.
  • Barleyis a good source of beta-glucan, which can increase prolactin, the main hormone your body needs to produce breast milk.

There is inconclusive and limited research showing the efficacy of galactagogues, and it's important to note that galactagogues are not a replacement for the most important drivers of milk production, which are the stimulation of the nipple and breast tissue, and the ongoing removal of milk. Nevertheless, there is significant a history stretching back centuries of lactating parents using these ingredients to boost their breast milk supply.

The Best Lactation Cookie Recipes

With those pointers in mind, here are five of our favorite lactation cookie recipes to try.

Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookie Recipe by How Sweet Eats

5 Best Lactation Cookie Recipes for Boosting Milk Production (1)

Food blogger Jessica Merchant of How Sweet Eats shared this chocolatey lactation cookie recipe after giving birth to her son Max in 2015. Since then, it's become one of the most popular lactation cookie recipes on the internet. The freezer-friendly dough is packed with chocolate chips, old-fashioned rolled oats, flaxseed, and coconut oil.

Gluten-Free Lactation Cookie Recipe by Eating Bird Food

5 Best Lactation Cookie Recipes for Boosting Milk Production (2)

After trying and failing to find a healthy lactation cookie recipe, Eating Bird Food blogger Brittany Mullins decided to develop one of her own. Her lactation cookie recipe is not only gluten-free but also vegan, perfect for nursing parents and breastfed babies who have gluten or dairy intolerances. Her recipe contains less sugar than most, but the enthusiastic commenters don't seem to mind.

No-Bake Lactation Cookie Recipe by Lexi's Clean Living

5 Best Lactation Cookie Recipes for Boosting Milk Production (3)

For new parents who need an extra boost of energy—and don't want to wait on the oven to heat up—these no-bake lactation cookies from Lexi's Clean Living are the perfect solution. Nut butter and honey give these a rich flavor, while cocoa powder and chocolate chips tick the box for chocolate lovers.

Lower-Calorie Lactation Cookie Recipe by Detoxinista

5 Best Lactation Cookie Recipes for Boosting Milk Production (4)

Breastfeeding parents burn plenty of calories, but some may still prefer a less calorie-dense take on the lactation cookie. Detoxinista blogger Megan Gilmore, a certified nutritionist consultant, swaps out refined sugar for coconut sugar in this vegan, gluten-free recipe. This substitution results in a healthier, lower-calorie lactation cookie that may help parents avoid a sugar crash.

Oatmeal Lactation Cookie Recipe by Serious Eats

5 Best Lactation Cookie Recipes for Boosting Milk Production (5)

Pretty much all lactation cookie recipes include oats because they're known galactagogues. This recipe from Serious Eats is no different, but it ups the oat factor by using oat flour. The recipe also includes a galactagogue found in a few other lactation cookie recipes: barley malt syrup. It all adds up to a crunchy confection that earns rave reviews.

Do Lactation Cookies Really Work?

Although official evidence is still lacking on whether or not lactation cookies actually increase breast milk supply, most experts agree that there's no harm in trying. "I certainly don't think they are going to hurt," says Tran. However, what's definitely helpful is breastfeeding more often and adjusting your breastfeeding technique, as needed. "I would encourage a mother who is worried about her supply to work with a lactation consultant so she can also try some other more evidence-based methods," says Tran.

Jessica Madden, M.D., a pediatrician, neonatalogist, and lactation consultant in Cleveland agrees: Don't stop at lactation cookies. "Mothers with low milk supplies who eat these cookies will have the highest chance of success in increasing their supplies if they also take other actions to increase their milk production," she says. "These include frequent breastfeeding and/or pumping (breast emptying), staying hydrated, and not skipping middle of the night feeds."

The Best Nutrition for Nursing Parents

5 Best Lactation Cookie Recipes for Boosting Milk Production (2024)


What is in lactation cookies that help milk supply? ›

How Do Lactation Cookies Work? Lactation cookies are made with special ingredients called galactagogues which are intended to help increase a mother's milk supply. These galactagogues may include herbal ingredients such as garlic, fenugreek, brewer's yeast, flaxseed, or oats.

How can I drastically increase my breast milk production? ›

Try these tips to help you make more milk:
  1. Breastfeed every time your baby is hungry. ...
  2. Make sure your baby is latching well.
  3. Offer both breasts at each feeding. ...
  4. Empty your breasts at each feeding. ...
  5. Avoid bottles and pacifiers in the early weeks. ...
  6. Get plenty of sleep, and eat a healthy diet.
  7. Pump or express your milk.

What are the best ingredients for lactation? ›

Choose foods rich in iron, protein and calcium.

For protein, consider plant sources, such as soy products and meat substitutes, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Eggs and dairy are other options. Good sources of calcium include dairy products and dark green vegetables.

What is the fastest way to increase milk supply? ›

If You Notice Your Milk Supply Is Low

You can increase your milk supply by: Nursing your baby often. Nurse every 2 hours during the day and every 3 to 4 hours at night (at least 8 to 16 times in 24 hours). If your baby will not nurse, use a good quality double electric breast pump to increase milk production.

Do lactation cookies really work to increase milk supply? ›

Their findings revealed no evidence for an effect of consuming lactation cookies on human milk production.

Do Oreos actually help milk supply? ›

What do Blue Gatorade and Double Stuf Oreos have in common? According to internet lore they are both attributed to increased milk supply, although there is a lack of scientific evidence to support that claim.

Will pumping every 2 hours increase milk supply? ›

Pump more often, from both breasts

Many women wonder how often they should pump. A general guideline is to pump every three hours. But if you're trying to produce more breast milk, you can: Try pumping both breasts for 15 minutes every two hours for 48-72 hours.

How to increase breast milk in 7 days at home? ›

Include natural galactagogue rich foods:

Cumin seeds, fenugreek, cinnamon, garlic, fennel seeds are few spices to be taken on a regular basis to increase the milk production. There are galactagogue capsules available in the market to help you find the most appropriate solution to increase breast milk production.

Is it too late to increase milk supply at 3 months? ›

It is never “too late” to increase milk production if you are willing to seek help and put in some effort.

What is the closest food to breast milk? ›

So, what is the best closest alternative to breastmilk? Goat's milk is an excellent alternative to breast milk, if the mother is unable to breastfeed, or chooses not to.

What to eat or drink to increase lactation? ›

Consuming chicken, eggs, tofu, and seafood has been associated with increased milk volume. Plus, eating protein-rich foods can help keep you full between meals. Fennel. Fennel may have galactogenic properties according to some scientific research .

Do overnight oats increase milk supply? ›

The combination of oats, and brewer's yeast in the recipe is known for its lactogenic properties, helping stimulate milk supply.

Does drinking water increase breast milk? ›

Although drinking more fluids won't help you produce more milk, it will keep you from becoming dehydrated – which is just as important. Symptoms of dehydration can include headache, fatigue, and constipation. Most nursing moms should aim to drink a total of 2.5 to 3 quarts of water a day.

How to stimulate colostrum? ›

Gently press your thumb and fingers together, release your fingers and repeat in a rhythmic movement. It may take a few minutes so be patient! Gradually your breast milk (or colostrum) will start to slowly drip out. Keep going, try to build up a rhythm – you're doing really well!

How quickly do breasts refill? ›

Your body is always making milk. That means there's no need to wait for the supply to “replenish” between feedings. In fact, waiting a long time between feeding your baby can actually reduce your milk supply. That's because your body does an amazing job of producing the right amount of milk to keep your baby happy.

What ingredient in Oreos increase milk supply? ›

Old Wives' Tale #3: Oreos Increase Milk Supply

Some members insist it's a specific ingredient called soy lecithin (a food additive, according to Healthland.com) that does the trick, while skeptics think it's just the increased fat content that helps make more milk.

How quickly do lactation cookies work? ›

How Long Does It Take For Lactation Cookies To Work? It can depend on the individual, but typically you should see results within 1-2 days. Moms will typically notice an immediate boost in my supply. So hang in there, you should be producing more in no time!

What happens if you eat a lot of lactation cookies? ›

If you eat too many lactation cookies you may end up with an oversupply, or you may also have some bloating or gassiness which can be a side effect from too much brewers yeast for some mums.

Can you eat lactation cookies every day? ›

Spoiler alert: you don't have to eat lactation cookies every day to have a good milk supply! That being said, you can totally eat them everyday if you love them. (For the first few months postpartum, I was making a new batch every couple of days!)

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